Frank Lepore's Horror Cube Returns (2024)

Posted on Oct 09, 2024

Frank Lepore's Horror Cube Returns (1)

Boy, how time flies …

It feels like just yesterday my initial Innistrad Horror Cube went up on Magic Online during the 2023 Halloween season.

Well, if you were a fan of the Cube, I’ve got some good news! This year, it’s going to be running again, and I’ve made some substantial changes to it - 76 to be exact! Thirty-four of those changes are directly from Duskmourn: House of Horror, and four more are from Duskmourn Commander.

For those not familiar, the Cube originated from the observation that Innistrad likely had more sets based around it than any other plane in Magic: Innistrad, Dark Ascension, Avacyn Restored, Shadows Over Innistrad, Eldritch Moon, Innistrad: Midnight Hunt, and Innistrad: Crimson Vow, plus the Commander releases that accompanied those last two. So, technically, Innistrad has had nine sets based around it. I felt like that was more than enough to build a cool, spooky Cube, and Innistrad was already a fan favorite as far as planes go.

You can find me discussing things a little more in depth about the construction of the Cube in last year’s article that accompanied the Cube here.

While spooky in nature, the Cube’s primary focus is the creature types. This is definitely a kindred Cube at heart. For a recap, the main creature types we’re looking at are as follows:

  • Angels
  • Demons
  • Eldrazi
  • Horrors
  • Humans
  • Spirits
  • Vampires
  • Werewolves
  • Zombies

There are a smattering of smaller thematic types, like Spiders and Devils, but these are the main creatures to build around.

What Did We Learn?

I feel like the Innistrad Horror Cube was pretty successful last time, and the data had shown as much. But there were a few things that made me unhappy:

Too Many Lords

Lords felt like they would be great in the Cube because they were the perfect build-arounds and they often had unique abilities to go along with their lordship. But there were too many. The Cube had seven Vampire lords in it, and that was just too many. For this edition, I narrowed these down quite a bit, leaving no more than four lords per creature type, and also leaving in the more restrictive lords that had conditions.

Death Baron, for example, was just too good, so it had to go on merit alone. The Cube is very combat-centric, and giving presumably a good portion of your creatures deathtouch often felt a little overpowered.

Poor Fits

There were a few cards in the Cube that weren’t good fits.

Seraph of the Scales is a cool card with a lot of value, but neither Angels nor Spirits were found in B/W. So you’d be forced to either splash for this in U/W Spirits or U/G Angels, or you’d just play this as a value creature in your B/W deck. This isn’t the end of the world, but with limited slots in the Cube, I’d rather have a card that fits more flavorfully. Obzedat, Ghost Council encountered the same issue.

Another card in this boat was Polukranos Unchained. While this is a cool Zombie Hydra, B/G isn’t a Zombie color combination - but it is the delirium combination. Pairing the escape mechanic with delirium forced a player into competing goals.

Too Powerful

There were a couple cards that just felt game-breaking whenever they got going. Spirit Bonds was the first one that comes to mind. Being an enchantment means that this was quite hard to deal with, unlike a creature with a similar effect. The indestructibility could also be unbeatable when coupled with free 1/1 fliers.

The Cube also has a lot of cards that tend to focus on both black creatures and the black creature types, like Zombies or Vampires, simply because of their high quantity. While some cards like Slayer of the Wicked are reasonable answers, there were two that felt a bit strong: the repeatable Undead Slayer, and the pro-black Devout Lightcaster. Being able to kill your opponent's best creature every turn for one mana is brutal, and protection coupled with exiling any black permanent felt a little too versatile.

Olivia Voldaren also just felt too strong and could run away with games if you didn’t have removal for her. Considering she got bigger every time her ability was activated, she was often quickly out of range of a lot of damage-based removal.

A problem I was running into was that, while vampires on Innistrad were primarily black/red, there are also a ton of great vampires in Ixalan that are white/black. They’re also very closely tied in with Demons, which was great: the more overlap between creature types, the deeper and more versatile certain cards and strategies become.

Then Duskmourn released last month. This set is absolutely perfect for a Horror Cube, but it has nothing to do with the traditional Innistrad fare. There are very few of the standard tropes you’d expect, like vampires or werewolves or zombies.

Instead, you just have a bunch of scary nonsense like Abhorrent Oculus and Twitching Doll.

So we decided to move the Horror Cube away from its Innistrad roots and focus more on the “Horror” of it all. This meant diving a lot deeper into the Horror creature type. Where before there were only a couple of Horrors that just happened to be creepy, cool cards, this time there are 28 creatures that are either Horrors or can become them. We even have a couple of lord-adjacent Horrors in Captain N'ghathrod and Ancient Cellarspawn.

Sets released since last Halloween have made contributions as well. Modern Horizons 3 added seven new cards, including two Eldrazi, a Spirit, and a Demon that interacts favorably with both Vampires and Angels. Thanks to The Lost Caverns of Ixalan, we have a handful of cards that either are or make Vampire Demons, so that’s another nice bonus.


So where do all these changes leave us for strategies in this year’s Horror Cube?

As far as archetypes go, there isn’t much change from last year, and the cards I added in this year are meant to supplement those existing archetypes.

  • Blue/Black: Horrors, Self Mill, Zombies

New Star: Abhorrent Oculus is a great addition to pay off your self-milling.

This year the Horror theme has been buffed a good deal. U/B is the primary Horror combination, but red and green also have their fair share of horrors.

  • Black/White: Demons, Tokens, Vampires

New Stars: Vito, Fanatic of Aclazotz, Sorin of House Markov covers all the bases, but this combo has a deep bench of options.

  • Black/Red: Madness, Vampires

New Stars: Chainsaw, Ancient Cellarspawn

  • Red/Green: Werewolves

New Star: Hollowhenge Overlord

Lean into those sweet canine synergies while Magic Online handles the complicated differences between how Day/Night and Daybound/Nightbound work.

  • Green/White: Angels, Humans, Tokens

New Star: Angelic Aberration is one of my favorites - it goes really well with all the 1/1 tokens G/W can produce, including humans and spirits.

  • Blue/White: Spirits

New Stars: Ghostly Dancers, Phantom Interference

  • Black/Green and Sultai: Graveyard Matters, Delirium

New Stars: Broodspinner and Drag to the Roots

  • Blue/Green: Graveyard Matters, Investigate

New Stars: Kozilek’s Unsealing, Mirror Room//Fractured Realm

  • Red/White: Aggro

As is typical on Innistrad, this color combo wants to just turn sideways.

  • Blue/Red: Spells Matter

New Stars: Charred Foyer // Warped Space and Cursed Recording

I’m looking forward to trying them out and seeing how they perform. I can’t wait to get some games in against everyone, so if we happen to get paired up, feel free to say hi!

As a bonus, we have a couple of challenges for you. If you manage to do any of the following in a Horror Cube game over the next two weeks and take a screenshot that demonstrates it, you’ll be rewarded with 120 Play Points so you can draft again (make sure the Game ID at the top of the Duel Scene is visible)! Just tweet the image to @MagicOnline with the hashtag #MTGOHorrorCubeChallenge, along with telling us about the situation:

  • You win via the Liliana’s Contract trigger.
  • You win via decking yourself while Laboratory Maniac in play.
  • You meld Gisela, the Broken Blade with Bruna, the Fading Light.
  • You meld Hanweir Battlements with Hanweir Garrison
  • Your opponent loses the game via Triskaidekaphobia.
  • Your opponent loses the game via Sinner’s Judgment (the back half of Faithbound Judge).
  • Your opponent loses the game after you Harmless Offering them Demonic Pact

If you have any feedback or just want to share your thoughts or suggestions about the Cube and my card choices, you can reach me most easily on Twitter/X, Twitch, or YouTube. Thanks a ton for giving it a try, and I hope you have a blast!

ColorCard Name
WhiteChampion of the Parish
WhiteDoomed Traveler
WhiteHopeful Initiate
WhiteIndebted Spirit
WhiteMikaeus, the Lunarch
WhitePossessed Goat
WhiteThraben Inspector
WhiteAmbitious Farmhand
WhiteCathar Commando
WhiteCloistered Youth
WhiteDust Animus
WhiteElite Inquisitor
WhiteFleeting Spirit
WhiteHanweir Militia Captain
WhiteIntrepid Adversary
WhiteNiblis of the Urn
WhiteSelfless Spirit
WhiteThalia, Guardian of Thraben
WhiteThalia's Lieutenant
WhiteVoice of the Blessed
WhiteAdeline, Resplendent Cathar
WhiteBrutal Cathar
WhiteBygone Bishop
WhiteFaithbound Judge
WhiteGavony Dawnguard
WhiteHanged Executioner
WhiteKatilda, Dawnhart Martyr
WhiteMavren Fein, Dusk Apostle
WhiteSanguine Evangelist
WhiteSavior of Ollenbock
WhiteThraben Doomsayer
WhiteWelcoming Vampire
WhiteAngel of Jubilation
WhiteBishop of Binding
WhiteGisela, the Broken Blade
WhiteOdric, Lunarch Marshal
WhiteRestoration Angel
WhiteSlayer of the Wicked
WhiteArchangel Avacyn
WhiteGhostly Dancers
WhiteKarmic Guide
WhiteThalia's Lancers
WhiteAngelic Aberration
WhiteBruna, the Fading Light
WhiteSerra the Benevolent
WhiteFaith's Shield
WhiteUnwanted Remake
WhiteCelestial Purge
WhiteFateful Absence
WhiteFeeling of Dread
WhiteLantern Flare
WhiteValorous Stance
WhiteMidnight Haunting
WhiteBanishing Stroke
WhiteCleansing Ray
WhiteDeclaration in Stone
WhiteDevout Decree
WhiteCollective Effort
WhiteLingering Souls
WhiteIncreasing Devotion
WhiteUnidentified Hovership
WhiteBonds of Faith
WhiteIntangible Virtue
WhiteSheltered by Ghosts
WhiteBorrowed Time
WhiteWedding Announcement
WhiteFaith Unbroken
WhiteSurgical Suite // Hospital Room
BlueDelver of Secrets
BlueMausoleum Wanderer
BlueCurious Homunculus
BlueInvisible Stalker
BlueJacob Hauken, Inspector
BlueLudevic's Test Subject
BlueMalevolent Hermit
BlueSilent Hallcreeper
BlueSnapcaster Mage
BlueSupreme Phantom
BlueSuspicious Stowaway
BlueThing in the Ice
BlueUnblinking Observer
BlueAbhorrent Oculus
BlueCivilized Scholar
BlueDreamshackle Geist
BlueGeralf, the Fleshwright
BlueGeralf, Visionary Stitcher
BlueLaboratory Maniac
BluePatrician Geist
BluePoppet Stitcher
BlueAberrant Researcher
BlueDungeon Geists
BlueHavengul Runebinder
BlueLaboratory Drudge
BlueMirrorhall Mimic
BlueNiblis of Frost
BlueOvercharged Amalgam
BlueRepository Skaab
BlueWhispering Wizard
BlueDocent of Perfection
BlueMind Flayer
BlueOverlord of the Floodpits
BlueSludge Monster
BlueStitcher Geralf
BlueGeralf's Mindcrusher
BlueJace, Unraveler of Secrets
BluePhantom Interference
BlueSecrets of the Key
BlueJust the Wind
BlueThink Twice
BlueFlip the Switch
BlueForbidden Alchemy
BlueSyphon Essence
BlueThirst for Discovery
BlueTwist Reality
BlueMemory Deluge
BlueConfirm Suspicions
BlueScour the Laboratory
BlueHard Evidence
BlueSilent Departure
BlueMystic Retrieval
BlueCrush of Tentacles
BluePsionic Ritual
BlueRise from the Tides
BlueOngoing Investigation
BlueImprisoned in the Moon
BlueKozilek's Unsealing
BlueTrail of Evidence
BlueUnderwater Tunnel // Slimy Aquarium
BlueBottomless Pool // Locker Room
BlueSpirit Away
BlueMirror Room // Fractured Realm
BlackChampion of the Perished
BlackDiregraf Ghoul
BlackIndulgent Aristocrat
BlackMaster of Dark Rites
BlackAsylum Visitor
BlackGatekeeper of Malakir
BlackGraf Reaver
BlackGraveyard Marshal
BlackHeir of Falkenrath
BlackKalastria Highborn
BlackNullpriest of Oblivion
BlackOlivia's Bloodsworn
BlackOlivia's Dragoon
BlackRelentless Dead
BlackSkirsdag High Priest
BlackTainted Adversary
BlackUndead Augur
BlackVampire Hexmage
BlackVoldaren Bloodcaster
BlackAmmit Eternal
BlackAncient Cellarspawn
BlackCemetery Reaper
BlackDiregraf Colossus
BlackFalkenrath Forebear
BlackFlesh Carver
BlackGeralf's Messenger
BlackGraveyard Trespasser
BlackHeadless Rider
BlackJerren, Corrupted Bishop
BlackLifebane Zombie
BlackMarkov Baron
BlackNighthawk Scavenger
BlackPreacher of the Schism
BlackVarragoth, Bloodsky Sire
BlackVito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose
BlackBloodletter of Aclazotz
BlackBloodline Keeper
BlackDesecration Demon
BlackEbondeath, Dracolich
BlackElusive Tormentor
BlackGrave Scrabbler
BlackGraveborn Muse
BlackKalitas, Traitor of Ghet
BlackMindwrack Demon
BlackVampire Nocturnus
BlackBloodline Necromancer
BlackChampion of Dusk
BlackDoom Whisperer
BlackGhoulcaller Gisa
BlackMalakir Bloodwitch
BlackShilgengar, Sire of Famine
BlackVoldaren Pariah
BlackMiasma Demon
BlackNoosegraf Mob
BlackSkeletal Vampire
BlackArchfiend of Spite
BlackGorex, the Tombshell
BlackLiliana of the Veil
BlackLiliana, the Last Hope
BlackSorin, Imperious Bloodlord
BlackSorin the Mirthless
BlackLiliana, Dreadhorde General
BlackBitter Triumph
BlackInfernal Grasp
BlackTragic Fall
BlackBloodline Culling
BlackHero's Downfall
BlackWithering Torment
BlackDark Salvation
BlackEaten Alive
BlackLiliana's Defeat
BlackDemonic Counsel
BlackMurderous Compulsion
BlackAim for the Head
BlackCome Back Wrong
BlackGisa's Bidding
BlackEver After
BlackArmy of the Damned
BlackSinister Concoction
BlackCall the Bloodline
BlackCase of the Stashed Skeleton
BlackNowhere to Run
BlackPromise of Aclazotz
BlackDemonic Pact
BlackLiliana's Contract
BlackDemonic Covenant
BlackUnholy Annex // Ritual Chamber
BlackInvasion of Innistrad
RedFalkenrath Pit Fighter
RedStromkirk Noble
RedVillage Messenger
RedVoldaren Epicure
RedBloodthirsty Adversary
RedFlame Channeler
RedHeartfire Immolator
RedKessig Forgemaster
RedMagmatic Channeler
RedRavenous Bloodseeker
RedSmoldering Egg
RedAnje's Ravager
RedConduit of Storms
RedGeier Reach Bandit
RedHanweir Garrison
RedKruin Outlaw
RedRakish Heir
RedSin Prodder
RedSpellrune Painter
RedStromkirk Occultist
RedWeaver of Lightning
RedIll-Tempered Loner
RedInsatiable Gorgers
RedInstigator Gang
RedLambholt Raconteur
RedManaform Hellkite
RedIncorrigible Youths
RedVolatile Arsonist
RedCharmbreaker Devils
RedOlivia's Attendants
RedOverlord of the Boilerbilges
RedBedlam Reveler
RedLightning Axe
RedPlay with Fire
RedUnholy Heat
RedBurning Oil
RedCathartic Pyre
RedDesperate Ravings
RedBrimstone Volley
RedFiery Temper
RedFires of Undeath
RedMoonrager's Slash
RedRending Flame
RedViolent Eruption
RedThunderous Wrath
RedExplosive Welcome
RedFaithless Looting
RedLight Up the Night
RedPillar of Flame
RedIncendiary Flow
RedTormenting Voice
RedAlchemist's Gambit
RedCollective Defiance
RedHarmless Offering
RedAlchemist's Greeting
RedBurn Down the House
RedBlasphemous Act
RedCursed Recording
RedCurse of Stalked Prey
RedStensia Masquerade
RedStensia Uprising
RedCharred Foyer // Warped Space
RedSpiked Corridor // Torture Pit
GreenAscendant Packleader
GreenAvacyn's Pilgrim
GreenDeathbonnet Sprout
GreenGnarlwood Dryad
GreenKessig Prowler
GreenWolfbitten Captive
GreenDuskwatch Recruiter
GreenGatstaf Shepherd
GreenHamlet Captain
GreenLambholt Pacifist
GreenMayor of Avabruck
GreenNoose Constrictor
GreenOutland Liberator
GreenReclusive Taxidermist
GreenScorned Villager
GreenTwitching Doll
GreenUlvenwald Captive
GreenBorderland Ranger
GreenBriarbridge Tracker
GreenCemetery Prowler
GreenDaybreak Ranger
GreenHound Tamer
GreenInexorable Blob
GreenOmnivorous Flytrap
GreenPrimal Adversary
GreenSomberwald Sage
GreenTireless Tracker
GreenWeaver of Blossoms
GreenBriarpack Alpha
GreenHowlpack Piper
GreenNightpack Ambusher
GreenPack Guardian
GreenSawblade Slinger
GreenUlvenwald Oddity
GreenIshkanah, Grafwidow
GreenKessig Cagebreakers
GreenOverlord of the Hauntwoods
GreenWolfir Silverheart
GreenAvabruck Caretaker
GreenHollowhenge Overlord
GreenTovolar's Huntmaster
GreenGarruk Relentless
GreenWrenn and Seven
GreenArlinn, Voice of the Pack
GreenRanger's Guile
GreenGrapple with the Past
GreenMoonlight Hunt
GreenReturn to Nature
GreenWaxing Moon
GreenCrushing Canopy
GreenDig Up
GreenTraverse the Ulvenwald
GreenMalevolent Rumble
GreenRabid Bite
GreenTracker's Instincts
GreenTravel Preparations
GreenSpider Spawning
GreenSeasons Past
GreenStorm the Festival
GreenVessel of Nascency
GreenFull Moon's Rise
GreenSeal of Primordium
GreenCrawling Sensation
GreenTriumph of Ferocity
GreenUlvenwald Mysteries
GreenWeirding Wood
GreenFeed the Pack
AzoriusDennick, Pious Apprentice
AzoriusDrogskol Captain
AzoriusGeist of Saint Traft
AzoriusSpell Queller
AzoriusDrogskol Reaver
AzoriusMillicent, Restless Revenant
AzoriusRestricted Office // Lecture Hall
DimirBladestitched Skaab
DimirDiregraf Captain
DimirHorrid Shadowspinner
DimirMaster of Death
DimirGisa and Geralf
DimirPhenomenon Investigators
DimirCaptain N'ghathrod
DimirGrimgrin, Corpse-Born
DimirPossessed Skaab
DimirTasha, the Witch Queen
DimirDinrova Horror
DimirGyruda, Doom of Depths
RakdosBloodtithe Harvester
RakdosVampire Socialite
RakdosStromkirk Captain
RakdosFalkenrath Aristocrat
RakdosTerminal Agony
RakdosOlivia, Crimson Bride
GruulKessig Naturalist
GruulUnnatural Moonrise
GruulTovolar, Dire Overlord
GruulArlinn Kord
GruulArlinn, the Pack's Hope
GruulChild of the Pack
GruulHuntmaster of the Fells
GruulUlrich of the Krallenhorde
SelesnyaJoin the Dance
SelesnyaTorens, Fist of the Angels
SelesnyaLeinore, Autumn Sovereign
SelesnyaSigarda, Champion of Light
SelesnyaSigarda, Font of Blessings
SelesnyaSigarda, Heron's Grace
OrzhovLegion Lieutenant
OrzhovRite of Oblivion
OrzhovSorin of House Markov
OrzhovAnguished Unmaking
OrzhovClavileno, First of the Blessed
OrzhovRuthless Lawbringer
OrzhovBaron Bertram Graywater
OrzhovCall to the Feast
OrzhovEdgar, Charmed Groom
OrzhovSorin, Vengeful Bloodlord
OrzhovVona, Butcher of Magan
OrzhovSorin, Grim Nemesis
IzzetArcane Infusion
IzzetGalvanic Iteration
IzzetFevered Visions
IzzetRowan, Scholar of Sparks
IzzetVadrik, Astral Archmage
IzzetWandering Mind
IzzetExperimental Overload
IzzetMercurial Geists
IzzetRal, Storm Conduit
IzzetCreative Outburst
IzzetElemental Masterpiece
IzzetRoaring Furnace // Steaming Sauna
IzzetMagma Opus
GolgariOld Rutstein
GolgariDrag to the Roots
GolgariRootcoil Creeper
GolgariVilespawn Spider
ArtifactForeboding Statue
ArtifactManor Gargoyle
ColorlessWretched Gryff
ColorlessDecimator of the Provinces
ColorlessElder Deep-Fiend
ColorlessLashweed Lurker
ColorlessMockery of Nature
ColorlessVexing Scuttler
ArtifactAvacyn's Collar
ArtifactBlade of the Bloodchief
ArtifactBlazing Torch
ArtifactKeys to the House
ArtifactNeglected Heirloom
ArtifactPithing Needle
ArtifactSilver Bolt
ArtifactInvestigator's Journal
ArtifactRunechanter's Pike
ArtifactWedding Invitation
ArtifactButcher's Cleaver
ArtifactHonored Heirloom
ArtifactSlayer's Plate
ArtifactThe Celestus
ArtifactDissection Tools
ArtifactTamiyo's Journal
LandDeserted Beach
LandFlooded Strand
LandHallowed Fountain
LandMeticulous Archive
LandMoorland Haunt
LandPort Town
LandChoked Estuary
LandPolluted Delta
LandShipwreck Marsh
LandUndercity Sewers
LandWatery Grave
LandBlood Crypt
LandBloodstained Mire
LandForeboding Ruins
LandHaunted Ridge
LandRaucous Theater
LandStensia Bloodhall
LandCommercial District
LandGame Trail
LandKessig Wolf Run
LandRockfall Vale
LandStomping Ground
LandWooded Foothills
LandFortified Village
LandGavony Township
LandLush Portico
LandOvergrown Farmland
LandTemple Garden
LandWindswept Heath
LandGodless Shrine
LandIsolated Chapel
LandMarsh Flats
LandShadowy Backstreet
LandShattered Sanctum
LandVault of the Archangel
LandDesolate Lighthouse
LandScalding Tarn
LandSteam Vents
LandStormcarved Coast
LandSulfur Falls
LandThundering Falls
LandDeathcap Glade
LandOvergrown Tomb
LandUnderground Mortuary
LandVerdant Catacombs
LandWoodland Cemetery
LandArid Mesa
LandClifftop Retreat
LandElegant Parlor
LandSacred Foundry
LandSlayers' Stronghold
LandSundown Pass
LandBreeding Pool
LandDreamroot Cascade
LandHedge Maze
LandHinterland Harbor
LandMisty Rainforest
LandSpara's Headquarters
LandRaffine's Tower
LandXander's Lounge
LandZiatora's Proving Ground
LandJetmir's Garden
LandSavai Triome
LandKetria Triome
LandIndatha Triome
LandRaugrin Triome
LandZagoth Triome
LandFabled Passage
LandField of Ruin
LandHanweir Battlements
LandHavengul Laboratory
LandHostile Hostel
LandPrismatic Vista
LandVoldaren Estate
LandWestvale Abbey
Frank Lepore's Horror Cube Returns (2024)


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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Views: 5759

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (67 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.